Monday 16 November 2009

Parsons: The New School for Design

Gary and I went to visit the Illustration department at Parsons New School of Design and met with the lectures there and browse round the facilities. We have some ideas brewing as a result! We were then invited with the students to a symposium on ‘Illustration and Motion’ with guest speakers.

LAUREN REDNISS reveals a history of blind spots.
JODY ROSEN unveils The Knowledge of London taxi drivers.
JOEL SMITH maps the mind of Saul Steinberg.
RICHARD MCGUIRE screens Fears of the Dark and more.

The approach to this theme took a sideways view. I didn’t expect to hear about London taxi drivers but found the theme which linked the speakers together was the journey from A to B and how this reveal stories / narrative to us.

I was really interested and mesmerized by the views of Lauren Redniss, who presented in a quiet and understated way. Joel Smith was a Steinberg expert and wrote my favourite book! Richard McGuire was just a genius. Look at his animation "Fears of the dark", which was so scary. It was delightful to see how his work had evolved into pictures that move. A real treat.

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